
In practice-based settings, students are taught the basics and learn about the latest findings in ophthalmology and optometry through modern media and techniques. That is how we increase awareness of how to care for patients with visual system disorders.



Research-led teaching

Internationally networked research and research-led teaching are inextricably linked with patient care and education at our department. This ensures that the population has timely and direct access to the latest testing and treatment options. In all occupational groups, lifelong learning in the form of research-led teaching is promoted along with theoretical knowledge and practical competence.


Postgraduale Weiterbildung

Die Universitäts-Augenklinik ist aktiv am Curriculum des Doktoratsstudiums Medizinische Wissenschaft der Medizinischen Universität Graz beteiligt. Im Doctoral Programme „Sustainable Health Research“ werden aktuelle Forschungsthemen vorgestellt, welche zur nachhaltigen Gesundheitsentwicklung beitragen. Unsere Forschungsfelder zeigen anhand vieler Beispiele, wie evidenzbasierte Forschung zu messbaren Verbesserungen in der Lebensqualität führen können.


Postgraduate training

The wide range of professional development opportunities at the Medical University of Graz is directed at a variety of occupational groups in the fields of medicine, science and research, nursing and health services. Most of the professional development courses can be completed while the participant is regularly employed and provide him/her with a valuable additional qualification.


Thomas Patrick Georgi 
T: +43 316 385 12394
Thomas Georgi



Students from Austria

Rotations at University Hospital Graz by students enrolled at an university in Austria are organized in coordination with the head of the department.


Students from abroad

Rotations at University Hospital Graz by international students (home university abroad) are only possible as part of a mobility program (e.g., Erasmus+). All requests must go through the Med Uni Graz International Office. At peripheral KAGes hospitals, rotations can be organized directly by students. If a Med Uni Graz confirmation is required, students must fulfill the requirements of the mobility program and register in the Med Uni Graz International Office before the stay starts.